Community Priority Projects Recommended by LPC for DRI Funding
At the end of a six-month planning effort between May - October 2024, the LIC Local Planning Committee (LPC) has recommended a slate of twelve Community Priority Projects for DRI funding. These projects are intended to transform the physical environment of downtown Long Island City in ways that will benefit current and future generations of residents, students, businesses and workers. The projects that will be included in the Strategic Investment Plan for State funding consideration are listed below.
Pipeline or Supporting Projects
The LPC has recommended the inclusion of the following projects in the Strategic Investment Plan as supporting or pipeline projects. While not recommended for DRI funding, they are consistent with the goals of DRI, and the Long Island City community’s vision for the future of their downtown.
Project Development - June to October 2024
Additional Information
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for consideration projects must:
- Be a capital project, e.g. new development and/or rehabilitation of existing buildings, public space improvements, signage or branding projects, façade enhancements etc. Proposals for planning studies or ongoing operating costs e.g. staff expenses, are not eligible for this grant.
- Have a project sponsor who can lead the planning and implementation, enter into a contract agreement with the DOS, and has the ability to cover project costs while awaiting reimbursement from DOS.
- Demonstrate control of the project site, either by the project sponsor or a partnering entity, and support from any required private partners or government agencies. This includes support from the relevant City or State agencies for projects that involve publicly owned land and right-of-way.
- Have a defined scope and budget based on professional plans or estimates from comparable projects. The budget should demonstrate that the proposed project would be fully funded once funds requested through DRI grant are taken into account
- Demonstrate that it will contribute to the economic revitalization of the Long Island City DRI area, support affordability, support area businesses, including projects that create or retain jobs, improve quality of life, activate public spaces, and achieve climate goals.