DRI Community Vision and Goals
LIC DRI Vision
LIC will continue to grow and evolve as a diverse, mixed-use neighborhood that supports its existing community and businesses. New open spaces, streetscape improvements, and pedestrian amenities will better connect the neighborhood and make it a safe, walkable and resilient community. Investments and support for local businesses and the arts will ensure LIC’s vibrant cultural, industrial and small business economies can all co-exist and flourish.
Theme 1/ Open Spaces
Improve access to LIC’s waterfront parks from upland neighborhoods, and build new resilient parks, plazas and open spaces throughout the community.
- Improve access to the waterfront by alleviating truck congestions, sidewalk parking and poor pedestrian conditions, especially on 44th Drive and Queens Plaza.
- Where possible, reclaim street right-of-way and areas under elevated transportation infrastructure for public open space.
- Provide a range of amenities and expand programming opportunities for all ages within new and existing open spaces.
- Invest in Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) such as rain gardens, green roofs, and permeable pavements to manage stormwater, reduce flooding, and increase green spaces.
Theme 2/ Pedestrian Environments
Improve pedestrian environment and connect LIC neighborhoods and destinations.
- Implement traffic calming and pedestrian safety measures including pedestrian bump-outs, traffic medians, additional crosswalks, landscaping, seating, and lighting especially along Jackson Avenue, Vernon Boulevard, 21st Street and 11th Street.
- Make streets within the IBZ(s) pedestrian friendly through pedestrian signage, tree planting, and improved crosswalks.
- Address conflicts along the Dutch Kills Greenway to ensure the safety of both cyclists and pedestrians.
- Transform Queens Plaza South and 44th Drive into key connector routes by enhancing pedestrian walkways with landscaping and public amenities.
Theme 3/ Arts and Culture
Support and expand LIC’s arts and cultural offerings and increase their visibility.
- Promote existing cultural attractions and neighborhood identity by commissioning local artists to create murals on building façades and art installations in parks, plazas and along local streets.
- Highlight local cultural destinations by adding signage and route maps within major transit stations and bus stops.
- Connect cultural destinations using signage, wayfinding and other creative measures.
- Support existing cultural attractions to stay in the neighborhood and attract new ones through capital investments in permanent spaces and equipment.
- Create opportunities to activate public space through arts and performances
Theme 4/ Recreation and Community Amenities
Expand and improve access to recreation and community amenities.
- Encourage the development of indoor recreational and community amenities that are affordable and open to residents and workers.
- Expand community amenities through investments in libraries and community centers.
- Include spaces for both team sports and individual exercise equipment in new and existing public open spaces.
- Increase the number of community dog parks/runs.
- Invest in existing and new active public spaces that can support both sports and arts programming.
Theme 5/ Local Economy
Retain and foster LIC’s vibrant economy through increased visibility and support for local businesses and industries.
- Support the establishment of economic incubators and shared office, tech and fabrication spaces in IBZs.
- Develop attractive public spaces and plazas that serve the local workforce and provide spaces of respite during lunch breaks and after office hours.
- Encourage mixed-use projects that combine affordable residential, commercial, retail, cultural, and/or light industrial uses where appropriate.
- Support long-standing existing businesses by making capital investments that allow them to remain in the community.
- Attract new businesses that complement the existing small business and industries ecosystem through marketing and capital investments in the public realm.